199 Results
General Industry
199 Results


Safety is a priority for every job. No matter where your work takes you, if you and your crew are exposed to hazards associated with electrical energy, flash fires, combustible dust, molten metals, chemicals or visibility hazards, you need to be properly protected. Bulwark® Protection offers a wide range of PPE clothing and resources that will keep your team protected and prepared, for whatever job needs to be done.

If thermal hazards are a threat to your safety on the job, explore our full range of FR protection, including FR shirts and FR Base LayersFR Outerwear and FR Pants. With a complete FR system, you're sure to be protected all day long.

For many, visibility is a concern in addition to thermal hazards. That's why we offer dual-protection Hi-Visibility FR gear, so you can be seen to stay safe, often without having to add another layer to your system.

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